Why this Cause

Reading and writing is the foundation needed to learn in school. Yet millions of children and adults alike can’t read and write in their own language. Children are often forced to use other languages in school, and struggle to complete assignments as a result. They may even drop out as early as third grade.

This Cause provides classes and reading materials so that people can learn to read and write their language for the first time. In situations where a language cannot yet be written (it is missing an alphabet, writing system, and more), this Cause also funds the process to create everything needed to start writing!

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Featured Story


“Without Any Problem”

A Tanzanian teacher sees firsthand the impact of reading and writing – with his own son.

Where Your Donation Goes

Writing Systems

When a language has never been written, a writing system has to be developed to capture it fully in written form. Your support goes to the full process of developing these, from initial community consensus, all the way to sharing the final guide when it is complete.

Reading Classes

We work with local communities to run reading classes where people who didn’t have a chance to learn to read in their own language can learn how. They can then use their new skills to bridge to other languages, like a language used nationwide. These classes may be for adults or youth.

Written Materials

To read, people need access to written materials. This Cause provides these through educational curriculum, reading materials, and the experts to develop them.